Exact yesterday is the anniversary of 2pac's death. 2pac is my all time favorite rapper.
He was gone 15years ago. 13.9.1996. A lot of people talks about his death still now and most of them relates it with biggie's death. I really don't know what happened to both of their death. (maybe you can find something through their documentary "Biggie and Tupac" which is directed by Nick Broomfield) But I wanted to make this blog post as just one of 2pac's fan. I am a huge his fan. When they are a musician, their music comes first. When they are an artist, their art comes first. When they are a actor, their acting comes first. I don't it like when people talk a bad thing of them without they know these people in a person. People always say they can't trust the media, but they do mostly without being aware of doing that. And,I just love 2pac. I simply like his rap, his voice, his taste, a whole his music. He is an amazing rapper and No one can replace him, you know. Just take it please. I really want 2pac back. Rest in peace forever ever. You are the best.
Lastly, I want to say I am sorry for my bad english. Maybe it doesn't explain the thing I wanted to say properly. but only thing, I wanted to say is just that I am his huge fan forever. Thank you.
Youtubeのコメントをみていると、異なるジャンル/アーティストのファン同士が対立しているところをよく見かけ、その度とてももったいないと思う。その理由を一つ例に挙げさせてもらえば、そもそもパンクとヒップホップなんてルーツはほとんど一緒で、目指したところもほとんど一緒。違ったのはその音楽のテイスト位なもんで、それをあっちが高尚、こっちが低俗なんて騒いでいるのは愚の骨頂にしか思えない(ドキュメンタリー映画、Block PartyとAfro Punkを是非観てみてください)。だが、なんでも優越というのは存在するというのは当たり前の事実でもあるし、比較するには忍びないものは沢山ある。しかし何よりも先に単純に音を楽しみ、心を委ねてから、そういう談義を始めてもいいのではないかな。
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